#Turchia #Repressione – Si fa sempre più pesante la repressione contro HDP

Con una lettera, il rappresentante del partito HDP in Europa informa sugli sviluppi della recente raffica di carattere repressivo messa in atto dalla Turchia nei confronti del partito filo-kurdo, regolarmente presente alle elezioni su tutto il territorio dello Stato turco – fonte http://www.hdpeurope.eu 

Dear friends,

we are attaching another statement by HDP foreign affairs spokespersons that “HDP under even more political pressure”.

The statement describes the details of the following points:
  • Strip-search and beating of former co-mayor, leaving her too incapacitated to plead in court
  • Summaries of proceedings to lift parliamentary immunity prepared against a further nine HDP deputies, including HDP co-chair, Ms Pervin Buldan
  • Court of Cassation approves HDP deputy’s 2-year prison sentence for a social media post, opening the way for him to be barred from parliamentary membership
We would be pleased about solidarity statements and thematization of these ongoing crackdowns.

Thank you very much.

Kind regards,
Devriş Çimen
European representative of the HDP in Europe